Hi Family:
The word “grace” is thrown around a lot but I’m not sure we always know what it means. It’s not a pass. The presence of grace does not equal an absence of accountability. But a part of grace does mean is… acceptance. We choose to accept something or someone as is.
Here’s the thing: the person we often need to extend the most grace to is ourselves. It’s the foundation of self-love and soul-care. And honestly, I’m not totally sure we can even care for others in our community the way we should if we do not embrace the fact that—cliche aside—life really is a journey and healing is always a process. Where we are today isn’t where we’ll be next week and guess what? That is 100% okay. If we are constantly holding ourselves to impossible standards—standards often based on values created by systems that do not mean us any good—then we are bound to hold the people around us to those same problematic standards and now we all are walking around beating ourselves and each other up.
Can you accept yourself as you are today, Friend? If nothing else in your life changes, if none of those influencing factors go away, can you find a way to be okay? It’s a challenge, I get it. But can you acknowledge the good, bad, and ugly that informs you and your story without judging yourself too harshly? The thing is, you will absolutely change. You will evolve no matter what. But in THIS moment can you wrap yourself up in love and let grace fill you?
I love what Brennan Manning says about it:
“To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side I learn who I am and what God's grace means.”
Every chapter of your story matters.
Love you. 💜🙏🏾